Organisational culture: It’s time to take action


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PwC’S 2021 Global Culture Survey of 3,200 leaders and employees worldwide suggests that going forward, as leaders take on a long list of business imperatives, organisational culture can provide the difference between thriving and surviving.

The report delves into the strategic implications of cultural traits within companies, asserting that amplifying these traits can confer a significant competitive advantage. Through a comprehensive survey analysis, the report illuminates cultural challenges, notably the authenticity crisis. This crisis spotlights a stark misalignment between leaders' professed cultural values, especially concerning diversity, equity, and inclusion, and the lived experiences of their employees.

The report also emphasises the imperative of addressing this authenticity crisis. It advocates for a nuanced approach wherein leaders actively manage cultural traits. To facilitate this, the report introduces a variety of enablers identified through the study, offering practical tools for leaders. These enablers serve as catalysts for culture change, aligning organisational culture with overarching strategic objectives.

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